Now you can make payment without logging into our portal. Use Quick Pay Check out our new feature, Quick Pay.
Click here to login to our customer service portal to make payments.
Use the mobile app to easily access your bill history and make payments from anywhere.
Learn more about the assistance available to FEC Members
We are on-call 24 hours each day. Click here for numbers to call for your area or call toll free: 1(800)445-8541.
Sign-Up for E-billing and help preserve the environment..
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Farmers’ Electric Cooperative began in 1938 and we currently serve Eastern New Mexico in the counties of Curry, DeBaca, Guadalupe, Harding, Quay, Roosevelt, San Miguel. We maintain 4,295 miles of line in those counties, serve 6,875 consumers, and have 13,120 meters on our system.
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